
2022-03-06 00:58:19 字數 1453 閱讀 9855

group by 子句

指定用來放置輸出行的組,並且如果 select 子句 中包含聚合函式,則計算每組的彙總值。指定 group by 時,選擇列表中任一非聚合表示式內的所有列都應包含在 group by 列表中,或者 group by 表示式必須與選擇列表表示式完全匹配。

即select選擇的列要麼在聚合函式中,要麼在group by 中進行分組。




select s.classprocode,s.yearmonth,

max(case s.surveycode when 'sc001' then s.score else 0 end) as '報名報道',

max(case s.surveycode when 'sc002' then s.score else 0 end) as '後勤接待',

max(case s.surveycode when 'sc003' then s.score else 0 end) as '副班主任'

from sersurvey s

group by s.classprocode,s.yearmonth


或者 select a.*,

(select top 1 score from sersurvey

where classprocode = a.classprocode and yearmonth = a.yearmonth and surveycode = 'sc001') as '報名報道',

(select top 1 score from sersurvey

where classprocode = a.classprocode and yearmonth = a.yearmonth and surveycode = 'sc002') as '後勤接待',

(select top 1 score from sersurvey

where classprocode = a.classprocode and yearmonth = a.yearmonth and surveycode = 'sc003') as '副班主任'


(select s.classprocode,s.yearmonth

from  sersurvey s

group by s.classprocode,s.yearmonth

) a可以分頁的:


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