c const 不斷跟新

2022-03-15 07:46:47 字數 701 閱讀 2881

1.把乙個 const 物件的位址賦給乙個普通的、非 const 物件的指標也會導致



double pi = 3.14

;double *ptr = π //

error: ptr is a plain pointer


double *cptr = π //

ok: cptr is a pointer to const

2.不能使用 void* 指標(第 4.2.2 節)儲存 const 物件的位址,而必須使


int universe = 42


void *cpv = &universe; //

ok: cpv is const

void *pv = &universe; //

error: universe is const

3.允許把非 const 物件的位址賦給指向 const 物件的指標,不能修改其值

double dval = 3.14; //

dval is a double; its value can be changed

cptr = &dval; //

ok: but can't change dval through cptr

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