vba 根據給定單元格搜尋目標值

2022-04-09 16:27:52 字數 1051 閱讀 8987

sub 德賽()

dim x

dim rng as range

set rng = range("$f$1:$f$1048576") '篩選目標列

if activesheet.autofiltermode = true then '關閉篩選模式

activesheet.autofiltermode = false

end if

rng.autofilter field:=1, criteria1:="=*" & x & "*", operator:=xland '根據給定搜尋條件篩選

for i = 1 to range("a1").currentregion.rows.count '將篩選結果中字串的第8個字元開始連續6個放在第7列

c = worksheets(1).cells(i, 4).value

worksheets(1).cells(i, 7).value = mid(c, 8, 6)


with range("g1:g1048576") '篩選結果居中顯示

.horizontalalignment = xlcenter '水平居中baidu

.verticalalignment = xlcenter '垂直zhi居中

end with

''with rng

'.offset(1).resize(.rows.count - 1).specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).copy shift:=xlshiftup

'x = "1013b"

'activesheet.range("$f$1:$f$1048576").autofilter field:=1, criteria1:="=*" & x & "*", operator:=xland

'set rng = range("$f$1:$f$1048576")

'rng.offset(1).specialcells(xlcelltypevisible).delete shift:=xlshiftup

end sub

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