
2022-04-14 11:55:07 字數 1595 閱讀 4422



堆排序裡面的儲存結構是陣列 邏輯結構是二叉樹

"""def heapsortmax(lst, n):

# 找出最大值登頂對頂

# n = len(lst)

if n <= 1:

return lst

depth = n // 2 - 1 # 這個深度是0~depth

# 下面開始調整堆 從最後乙個非終端節點開始調整

for i in range(depth, -1, -1):

topmax = i

leftchild = 2 * i + 1

rightchild = 2 * i + 2 # 左右孩子節點

# 從這三個節點裡面選出最大值 還要不能越界才得行

if leftchild <= n - 1 and lst[leftchild] > lst[topmax]:

topmax = leftchild

if rightchild <= n - 1 and lst[rightchild] > lst[topmax]:

topmax = rightchild

if i != topmax:

lst[topmax], lst[i] = lst[i], lst[topmax]

return lst

def heapsort(lst):

n = len(lst)

for i in range(n):

lastmesslen = n - i

# 每次登頂了陣列長度就少了乙個了

heapsortmax(lst, lastmesslen)

# print(lst)

if i < n:

lst[0], lst[lastmesslen - 1] = lst[lastmesslen - 1], lst[0]

# 這個位置為什麼是lastmesslen-1呢?道理很簡單

# 最後乙個元素本來就是lastmesslen-1,lastmesslen已經越界了

# print("ex", lst)

return lst

if __name__ == "__main__":

lst = [3, 1, 5, 4, 7, 6, 8, 0]

# lst = heapsortmax(lst)

lst = heapsort(lst)


def func(str):

dic = {}

for el in str:

if dic.get(el):

dic[el] = dic[el] + 1


dic[el] = 1

key, value = "", 0

for item in dic.items():

if item[1] > value:

value = item[1]

key = item[0]

return key, value


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