
2022-04-25 03:39:04 字數 1566 閱讀 1746

計算《部分匹配表》,移動位數 = 已匹配的字元數 - 對應的部分匹配值。

#include#include#includeusing namespace std;

void computeprefix(string s,int next)

}void kmpmatcher(string text,string pattern) ;

// trie adt

typedef struct trie trie_t;

struct trie

;// returns new trie node (initialized to nulls)

trie_node_t *getnode(void)

}return pnode;

}// initializes trie (root is dummy node)

void initialize(trie_t *ptrie)

// if not present, inserts key into trie

// if the key is prefix of trie node, just marks leaf node

void insert(trie_t *ptrie, char key)

pcrawl = pcrawl->children[index];

}// mark last node as leaf

pcrawl->value = ptrie->count;

}// returns non zero, if key presents in trie

int search(trie_t *ptrie, char key)

pcrawl = pcrawl->children[index];

}return (0 != pcrawl && pcrawl->value);

}// driver

int main()


char output[32] = ;

trie_t trie;


// construct trie

for (int i = 0; i < array_size(keys); i++)

// search for different keys

printf("%s --- %s\n", "the", output[search(&trie, "the")]);

printf("%s --- %s\n", "these", output[search(&trie, "these")]);

printf("%s --- %s\n", "their", output[search(&trie, "their")]);

printf("%s --- %s\n", "thaw", output[search(&trie, "thaw")]);

return 0;


貪心演算法(英語:greedy algorithm),又稱貪婪演算法,是一種在每一步選擇中都採取在當前狀態下最好或最優(即最有利)的選擇,從而希望導致結果是最好或最優的演算法。


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