游標 遞迴 查詢 客戶 子客戶 查詢財務信用

2022-04-29 08:24:07 字數 2982 閱讀 3588

use [crm01]

go/****** object: storedprocedure [dbo].[account3yearstrade] script date: 07/15/2015 08:34:37 ******/

set ansi_nulls on

goset quoted_identifier on

goalter procedure [dbo].[account3yearstrade] as

declare @accountid uniqueidentifier ,

@yt_total_price money ,

@opportunityid uniqueidentifier ,

@yt_invoice_date int ,

@yt_lastyeartrading money ,

@yt_toptwoannualturnover money ,

@yt_topthreeannualturnover money ,

@nowdate int


declare mycursor cursor

for select accountid from accountbase where statecode=0

select @nowdate=datepart(year,getdate())


open mycursor


fetch next from mycursor into @accountid


-- 0 fetch語句成功

---1 fetch語句失敗或此行不在結果集中

---2 被提取的行不存在

while ( @@fetch_status = 0 )


set @yt_lastyeartrading = 0

set @yt_toptwoannualturnover = 0

set @yt_topthreeannualturnover = 0

declare mycursortwo cursor


with childaccount(accountid,parentaccountid) as

( select accountid,parentaccountid from accountbase where accountid=@accountid

union all

select a.accountid,a.parentaccountid from accountbase a,childaccount b

where a.parentaccountid = b.accountid

)select yt_total_price,datepart(year,yt_invoice_date),opportunityid from opportunity

where yt_arrive in(select accountid from childaccount) and yt_status=100000002

open mycursortwo

fetch next from mycursortwo into @yt_total_price,@yt_invoice_date,@opportunityid

while( @@fetch_status = 0 )




set @yt_lastyeartrading = @yt_lastyeartrading + isnull(@yt_total_price,0.0000)

endelse if(@yt_invoice_date=@nowdate-2)


set @yt_toptwoannualturnover = @yt_toptwoannualturnover + isnull(@yt_total_price,0.0000)

endelse if(@yt_invoice_date=@nowdate-3)


set @yt_topthreeannualturnover = @yt_topthreeannualturnover + isnull(@yt_total_price,0.0000)

endfetch next from mycursortwo into @yt_total_price,@yt_invoice_date,@opportunityid

endclose mycursortwo

deallocate mycursortwo

update account

set yt_lastyeartrading = @yt_lastyeartrading,yt_lastyeartrading_base = @yt_lastyeartrading,yt_toptwoannualturnover = @yt_toptwoannualturnover,

yt_toptwoannualturnover_base = @yt_toptwoannualturnover,yt_topthreeannualturnover = @yt_topthreeannualturnover,yt_topthreeannualturnover_base = @yt_topthreeannualturnover

where accountid = @accountid


fetch next from mycursor into @accountid



close mycursor


deallocate mycursor

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