19 物件導向之語法(4)

2022-05-12 06:18:34 字數 2382 閱讀 7144



class mystudent(object):

@property #對score進行讀操作

def score(self):

return self.__score

@score.setter #對score進行寫操作

def score(self,score):

if not isinstance(score,int):

raise valueerror('score must be a int!\n')

elif (score <0 or score > 100):

raise valueerror('score must be in [0,100]!\n')


self.__score = score

s2 = mystudent()

#print(s2.score,'\n') #同樣的,class本身沒有設定__score,而此處的s1這個instance目前還沒有set這個屬性


s2.score = 95

print(s2.score,'\n') #設定了__score之後,當然就能get了。

#s2.score = 195 #範圍超出了[0,100],報錯

#s2.score = '95' #型別不是it,報錯


class people(object):

@property #允許對__birth的讀操作

def birth(self):

return self.__birth

@birth.setter #允許對__birth的寫操作

def birth(self, birth):

self.__birth = birth

@property #允許對__age的讀操作

def age(self):

return 2018 - self.__birth #當前的年份減去出生年份,即為粗糙的age

#不設定@age.setter以及相應的def age() ... ,等於說age唯讀

p1 = people()

#print(p1.birth,'\n') #p1的__birth還沒設定,不可訪問

p1.birth = 1995


print(p1.age,'\n') #因為age內部實現的原因,只要有birth和當前年份,就有age,所以直接get

class screen(object):

@property #讀

def width(self):

return self.__width

@width.setter #寫

def width(self,width): #先對width做兩個測試:1)int 2)[1,1366]

if not isinstance(width,int):

raise valueerror('width must be a int!\n')

elif (width <1 or width > 1366):

raise valueerror('width must be in [1,1366]!\n')

self.__width = width


def height(self):

return self.__height


def height(self,height):

self.__height = height

@property #resolution為唯讀的attribution

def resolution(self):

return 786432

sc1 = screen()

sc1.width = 1024

sc1.height = 750



#sc1.width = '1024' #型別不對

#sc1.width = 100000 #大小不對

#sc1.resolution = 1234567 #resolution是唯讀屬性,不可以寫

18 物件導向之語法(3)

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python學習 19 物件導向

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