
2022-06-21 08:36:09 字數 1991 閱讀 5439


1. 配置工程


jlink  sw模式

output->debug info/browse info,可以直接定位函式和變數。

2. 修改led相關gpio。

3. 核對串列埠。

rtconfig.h中定義串列埠終端rt_console_device_name 「uart1」

drivers/uarst.c中定義串列埠1 gpio和baud。

4. 晶振。定義在stm32f10x_conf.h,定義外部晶振8mhz。


5. 配置lib。有時編譯不成功要在工程配置中選擇use microlib。

6. 確認flash,sram大小。board.h中定義(因與具體板卡有關,所以定義在board.h中)。


* file : board.h

* this file is part of rt-thread rtos

* * the license and distribution terms for this file may be

* found in the file license in this distribution or at

* * * change logs:

* date author notes

* 2009-09-22 bernard add board.h to this bsp */

//<<< use configuration wizard in context menu >>>

#ifndef __board_h__

#define __board_h__#include


board configuration


whether use board external sram memory


use external sram memory on the board

//enable external sram memory

#define stm32_ext_sram 0

//begin address of external sram

//default: 0x68000000

#define stm32_ext_sram_begin 0x68000000 /* the begining address of external sram */

//end address of external sram

//default: 0x68080000

#define stm32_ext_sram_end 0x68080000 /* the end address of external sram */


internal sram memory size[kbytes] <8-64>

//default: 64

#define stm32_sram_size 20

#define stm32_sram_end (0x20000000 + stm32_sram_size * 1024)

//<<< use configuration wizard in context menu >>>

/*usart driver select.

*/#define rt_using_uart1

#define rt_using_uart2

#define rt_using_uart3

#define using_bxcan1

void rt_hw_board_init(void

);#endif /* __board_h__ */

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