記錄乙個SQL語句 case select 1

2022-06-26 09:24:10 字數 1120 閱讀 1558

select code, codename, codealias, comcode, othersign

from ldcode

and code <> (case

when (select 1

from lccont b

where b.contno = 'w86190001290019'

and b.trdingchannel like 'zfb%') = 1 then




and othersign = '1'

order by length(code), code asc

去掉(case when)

select code, codename, codealias, comcode, othersign

from ldcode

and code <> '-9' and othersign = '1'

分析case when  1= 1 then '-9' else '9' end


when (select 1

from lccont b

where b.contno = 'w86190001290019'

and b.trdingchannel like 'zfb%') = 1 then




分析 select 1

select 1  from lccont b

where b.contno = 'w86190001290019'

and b.trdingchannel like 'zfb%'

select * ,select 某欄位,

可以用來查詢表中是否有符合條件的記錄(比如select 1 from seckill where id = 1001;),select 1一般用來當作條件使用,比如exists( select 1 from 表名)等。select 1的效率比select 列名select*快,因為不用查字典表。


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