
2022-07-12 04:27:08 字數 1585 閱讀 5362




sub 密碼破解()

activesheet.protect drawingobjects:=true, contents:=true, allowfiltering:=true

activesheet.protect drawingobjects:=false, contents:=true, allowfiltering:=true


end sub


sub removeshprotect()

dim i1 as integer, i2 as integer, i3 as integer

dim i4 as integer, i5 as integer, i6 as integer

dim i7 as integer, i8 as integer, i9 as integer

dim i10 as integer, i11 as integer, i12 as integer

dim t as string

on error resume next

if activesheet.protectcontents = false then

msgbox " 該工作表沒有保護密碼! "

exit sub

end if

t = timer

for i1 = 65 to 66: for i2 = 65 to 66: for i3 = 65 to 66

for i4 = 65 to 66: for i5 = 65 to 66: for i6 = 65 to 66

for i7 = 65 to 66: for i8 = 65 to 66: for i9 = 65 to 66

for i10 = 65 to 66: for i11 = 65 to 66: for i12 = 32 to 126

activesheet.unprotect chr(i1) & chr(i2) & chr(i3) & chr(i4) & chr(i5) _

& chr(i6) & chr(i7) & chr(i8) & chr(i9) & chr(i10) & chr(i11) & chr(i12)

if activesheet.protectcontents = false then

msgbox " 解除工作表保護!用時 " & format(timer - t, " 0.00 ") &  " 秒 "

exit sub



3、雙擊'sheet1.xml'並用記事本開啟,使用查詢功能,刪除「sheetprotection」字段(<>尖括號內的內容 )


Excel 密碼破解

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