
2022-08-03 18:36:14 字數 2366 閱讀 4821

alter procedure [dbo].[p_splitpagesquery]

@tablesname nvarchar(max),--表名或檢視名(只能傳單一表名)

@pk nvarchar(max)='',--主鍵(可以為空!)

@strsort nvarchar(max)='',--排序字段(按照這個欄位對查詢結果進行排序),不能為空 @sorttype int =0,--排序方式,預設為0(公升序),1為降序

@strwhere nvarchar(max)='',--查詢條件(即sql語句中的where後面部分)

@fields nvarchar(max)='*',--讀取字段(呈現出來的字段)

@pagecurrent int =1,--當前頁碼,預設為1

@pagesize int =10,--頁面大小,預設為10

@pagecount int output,--總頁數(按照頁面大小一共分了多少頁)

@recordcount int output--查詢結果的總條數 as /*     返回值說明:查詢結果(表) */

declare @sqlstr nvarchar(4000)

if @strwhere is not null and @strwhere != ''   


set @strwhere = ' where ' + @strwhere + ' '   



set @strwhere = ''   

endbegin    if @strsort = ''      

if @pk  is not null and @pk!=''                

set @strsort = @pk   

if @pagecurrent < 1      

set @pagecurrent = 1     

if @sorttype = 1 and @strsort!=''           

set @strsort = @strsort + ' desc '   

if @sorttype = 0 and @strsort!=''           

set @strsort = @strsort + ' asc '

if @pagecurrent = 1 --第一頁提高效能       


set @sqlstr = 'select top ' + str(@pagesize) +' '+@fields+ ' from ' + @tablesname +               ' as tb ' + @strwhere  

if @strsort!=''                            

set @sqlstr = @sqlstr + ' order by '+ @strsort       




declare @startpos nvarchar(50)         

declare @endpos nvarchar(50)         

set @startpos = convert(nvarchar(50),(@pagecurrent - 1) * @pagesize + 1)         

set @endpos = convert(nvarchar(50),@pagecurrent * @pagesize)         

set @sqlstr =  ' select '+@fields+ '   from (select row_number() over(order by '+@strsort+') as rownum , tb.* '+'   from '+@tablesname+' as tb '+@strwhere+') as d   where rownum between '+@startpos+' and ' +@endpos                 

if @strsort!=''                            

set @sqlstr = @sqlstr + ' order by '+ @strsort      


print @sqlstr exec(@sqlstr)

declare @sqlcount nvarchar(4000)

set @sqlcount = 'select @recordcount=count(*),@pagecount=ceiling((count(*)+0.0)/'   + cast(@pagesize as varchar)+') from ' + @tablesname + @strwhere

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