EffectiveC 17 裝箱和拆箱的最小化

2022-08-09 05:24:13 字數 1022 閱讀 6314



console.writeline("a few numbers:, , ", 25, 32, 50);


console.writeline("a few numbers:, , ", 25.tostring(), 32.tostring(), 50.tostring());


2.在使用.net 1.x的集合時,當你新增乙個值型別資料到集合時中,你就建立了乙個箱子。任何時候從集合中移出乙個物件時,你得到的是箱子裡的乙個拷貝。

struct person

// using the person in a collection:

arraylist attendees = new arraylist( );

person p = new person( "old name" );

attendees.add( p );

// try to change the name: would work if person was a reference type.

person p2 = (( person )attendees[ 0 ] );

p2.name = "new name";

// writes "old name":

console.writeline( attendees[ 0 ].tostring( ));


《Effective C 》之減少裝箱和拆箱

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