MySQL 儲存過程動態執行 sql

2022-08-18 21:00:17 字數 4211 閱讀 5547


create procedure p_procedurecode(in sumdate varchar(10))


declare v_sql varchar(500); --需要執行的sql語句

declare sym varchar(6);

declare var1 varchar(20);

declare var2 varchar(70);

declare var3 integer;


declare no_more_departments integer default 0;


declare c_result cursor for

select barcode,barname,barnum from tmp_table;


declare continue handler for not found

set no_more_departments=1;

set sym=substring(sumdate,1,6); --擷取字串,並將其賦值給乙個遍歷


-- 'create temporary table 表名(select的查詢語句);

set v_sql= concat('create temporary table tmp_table(select aa as aacode,bb as aaname,count(cc) as ccnum from h',sym,' where substring(dd,1,8)=''',sumdate,''' group by aa,bb)');

set @v_sql=v_sql; --注意很重要,將連成成的字串賦值給乙個變數(可以之前沒有定義,但要以@開頭)

prepare stmt from @v_sql; --預處理需要執行的動態sql,其中stmt是乙個變數

execute stmt; --執行sql語句

deallocate prepare stmt; --釋放掉預處理段

open c_result; --開啟之前定義的游標

fetch c_result into var1, var2, var3; --取出每條記錄並賦值給相關變數,注意順序

--執行查詢語句,並將獲得的值付給乙個變數 @oldaacode(注意如果以@開頭的變數可以不用通過declare語句事先宣告)

select @oldaacode:=vcaacode from t_sum where vcaacode=var1 and dtdate=sumdate;

if @oldaacode=var1 then --判斷

update t_sum set inum=var3 where vcaacode=var1 and dtdate=sumdate;


insert into t_sum(vcaacode,vcaaname,inum,dtdate) values(var1,var2,var3,sumdate);

end if;

until no_more_departments end repeat; --迴圈語句結束

close c_result; --關閉游標

drop temporary table tmp_table; --刪除臨時表


drop database if exists wifi_database;

create database wifi_database default character set utf8;

use wifi_database;

create table wifi_table(

rowid varchar(255),

id varchar(255),

name varchar(255),

bssid varchar(255),

level varchar(255),

ssid varchar(255)

)default charset=utf8;

charset utf8;

load data infile 'c:/wifi_data.csv'

into table wifi_table character set utf8

fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"' escaped by '"'

lines terminated by '\r\n';

-- -- 單條測試

-- select * from (

-- -- union all:不刪除重複;union:刪除重複

-- select 'name','bssid','level','ssid' union all

-- -- 外面套一層select * from,不然order by會被union弄失效了

-- select * from (select name,bssid,level,ssid from wifi_table where name = '(1,0)' order by ssid) tbl_order

-- ) tbl_add_title

-- into outfile 'c:/wifi/1_0.txt'

-- fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '' escaped by ''

-- lines terminated by '\r\n';

-- 定義結束符為 $$

delimiter $$

-- 刪除 已有的 儲存過程

drop procedure if exists wifi_table_to_file;

-- 建立新的儲存過程

create procedure wifi_table_to_file()


-- 變數宣告

declare v_sql varchar(500);-- 需要執行的sql語句

declare i int;-- 1,2

declare j int;-- 0-79

-- 迴圈體

set i = 1;

while i <= 2 do

set j = 0;

while j <= 79 do

set v_sql= concat('select * from (select \'name\',\'bssid\',\'level\',\'ssid\' union all select * from (select name,bssid,level,ssid from wifi_table where name = \'(',i,',',j,')\' order by ssid) tbl_order) tbl_add_title into outfile \'c:/wifi/',i,'_',j,'.txt\' fields terminated by \',\' optionally enclosed by \'\' escaped by \'\' lines terminated by \'\\r\\n\';');

-- 預處理需要執行的動態sql,其中stmt是乙個變數

set @v_sql_for_stmt=v_sql;

prepare stmt from @v_sql_for_stmt;

-- 執行sql語句

execute stmt;

-- 釋放掉預處理段

deallocate prepare stmt;

set j = j +1;

end while;

set i = i +1;

end while;

end $$

-- 先把結束符 回覆為;

delimiter ;

call wifi_table_to_file();


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