
2022-08-23 03:42:11 字數 1700 閱讀 1942

keys * 獲取所有鍵

lrange hongbao:44 0 -1獲取該鍵的所有值

del hongbao:44 刪除該鍵的所有值

hgetall user:44 獲取該鍵的所有佇列

hget hongbao:44 8 獲取該佇列使用者為8的值

hset hongbao:44 7 'asdf'設定該佇列使用者為7的值

hdel user:44 8 刪除該佇列使用者為8的值

flushall 清空redis所有快取資料


/** to change this license header, choose license headers in project properties.

* to change this template file, choose tools | templates

* and open the template in the editor.

*/namespace home\controller;

use think\controller;

use home\util\apiresponse;

/*** description of rediscontroller

** @author administrator

*/class sweepcontroller extends basecontroller

if (empty($options))

$this->options = $options;

$this->options['expire'] = isset($options['expire']) ? $options['expire'] : c('data_cache_time');

$this->options['prefix'] = isset($options['prefix']) ? $options['prefix'] : c('data_cache_prefix');

$this->options['length'] = isset($options['length']) ? $options['length'] : 0;

$this->options['dbindex'] = isset($options['dbindex']) ? $options['dbindex'] : 0;

$func = $options['persistent'] ? 'pconnect' : 'connect';

$this->handler = new \redis;

$options['timeout'] === false ?

$this->handler->$func($options['host'], $options['port']) :

$this->handler->$func($options['host'], $options['port'], $options['timeout']);


}$data = array();

if ($min * $num > $total)

if($max*$num < $total)

while ($num >= 1)

return $data;}/*

* redis除錯

*/public function order_num()


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