
2022-08-23 10:36:09 字數 799 閱讀 5618



dump  transaction  庫名  with  no_log   


backup log 庫名 with no_log


dbcc shrinkdatabase(庫名)

--收縮指定資料檔案,1是檔案號,可以通過這個語句查詢到:select * from sysfiles

dbcc shrinkfile(1)


use databasename --enter the name of the database you want to reindex

declare @tablename varchar(255)

declare tablecursor cursor for

select table_schema+'.'+table_name from information_schema.tables where table_type = 'base table'

open tablecursor

fetch next from tablecursor into @tablename

while @@fetch_status = 0


dbcc dbreindex(@tablename,' ',90)

fetch next from tablecursor into @tablename

endclose tablecursor

deallocate tablecursor


列出所有資料庫資訊 show databases 轉到某個資料庫 use database name 列出某個資料庫的所有表資訊 show tables 建立資料庫 create database database name 建立資料庫表 create table mytable name varc...


1 說明 建立資料庫 create database database name 2 說明 刪除資料庫 drop database dbname 4 說明 建立新錶 create table tabname col1 type1 not null primary key col2 type2 not...


查詢資料庫中有標識列的表 declare tablename varchar 500 result int set tablename set result 0 declare my cursor cursor for select distinct o.name from sysobjects o...