if if 和 if elif 的區別

2022-08-24 16:03:11 字數 1202 閱讀 5536

再一次程式設計中意外使用了if if 也實現了 if elif的功能,所以搜尋了下其中的區別:

1、if if 和 if elif 是有區別的,只是在某些情況下才會一樣的效果;




defanalyzeage(age ):ifage <21:print"you are a child"ifage >21:print"you are an adult"else:#handle all cases were 'age' is negative print"the age must be a positive integer!"analyzeage(18)#calling the function>youare a child

>theage must be a positive integer!


defanalyzeage(age ):ifage <21:print"you are a child"elifage >21:print"you are an adult"else:#handle all cases were 'age' is negative print"the age must be a positive integer!"analyzeage(18)#calling the function>youare a child

上面的例子結果出錯,表明 所有的if 後的命令都會執行,而elif後面的命令是根據上乙個if是否執行,如果執行了,elif則略過,否則才執行


defmultipleif(text):iftext =='sometext':print(text)iftext =='nottext':print("notanytext")defeliftest(text):iftext =='sometext':print(text)eliftext =='nottext':print("notanytext")text ="sometext"timeit multipleif(text)100000loops,best of 3:5.22us per loop

timeit elif(text)100000loops,best of 3:5.13us per loop

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