perl學習筆記 3

2022-08-24 22:33:10 字數 1461 閱讀 3027

#example11 #雜湊數列2


my %hash = ("a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" =>3);

my @k = keys %hash;

my @v = values %hash;

print "@k\n";

print "@v\n";

while ( ($key, $value) = each %hash )

foreach $key (sort keys %hash) ;

print "$key => $value\n";

}#example12 正規表示式:$_的簡寫


$_ = "yu qq qq doo";

if (/a/)


#example13 #正規表示式:(.)\1 匹配連續出現的兩個相同的字元


$_ = "yu qq qq oo";

if (/(.)\1/)

$_ = "yabba dabba doo";

if (/y(....) d\1/)

$_ = "yabba dabba doo";

if (/y(.)(.)\2\1/)

#example14 #正規表示式:\s 匹配換頁、製表、換行、回車、空格

#\w 匹配字母數字下劃線

#\d 匹配數字 ...


$_ = "hello there, neighor";

if (/\s(\w+),/)

print "$_\n";

if (/(\s+) (\s+), (\s+)/)

my $dino = "i fear that i'll be extinct after 10000 years.";

if ($dino =~ /(\d*) years)

$_ = "hello there, neighor";

if (/(there)?, (nei|ber)/)

$_ = "hello there, neighor";

if (/(there)*, (nei|ber)/)

if (/(there)?there, (nei|ber)/)

if (/(?:there)?(nei|ber)/)

$_ = "hello there, neighor";

if (/\s(\w+),/)

$_ = "hello there, neighor";

if (/(\w),/)

#example15 #檢驗一下模式匹配


while (<>)



perl學習筆記3 z

1 雜湊片斷,如果在花括號中提供了多鍵,便會返回與那些鍵相對應的值,結果生成的列表會被當作乙個陣列對待。所以無論是雜湊片斷還是陣列片斷,都要採用 符號。2 應用於雜湊的函式 keys 函式可返回乙個列表,其中包含了雜湊內的所有鍵值。values 函式也能返回乙個列表,其中包含了雜湊中的所有值。eac...

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