深入理解C C 二維陣列

2022-08-26 08:09:14 字數 3325 閱讀 9273



int a[3][3] = ;

// 列印a a[0] 和 a[0][0]的位址

cout << "the value of a: " << a << endl;

cout << "the value of a[0]: " << a[0] << endl;

cout << "the address of a[0][0]: " << &a[0][0] << endl;

the value of a: 0x7ffe5b8c1ee0

the value of a[0]: 0x7ffe5b8c1ee0

the address of a[0][0]: 0x7ffe5b8c1ee0


這裡看一下每一行\(a[i], 0\leq i<3\)

for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)

cout << "the value of a[" << i << "]" << " is " << a[i] << endl;

the value of a[0]is 0x7ffe5b8c1ee0

the value of a[1]is 0x7ffe5b8c1eec

the value of a[2]is 0x7ffe5b8c1ef8


繼續走,我們看到\(a, a[0], a[0][0]\)的位址是一樣的,都是最頭上的首位址,那麼這裡用這個位址推導進而顯示其他位置的元素

// 由a[0]推出其他,這裡以第1行第1列(0 base)為例

cout << "the address of a[0+1]+1 " << "is " << a[0+1]+1 << endl;

cout << "the value of a[0+1]+1 " << "is " << *(a[0+1]+1) << endl;

cout << "the address of a[0]+4 " << "is " << a[0]+4 << endl;

cout << "the value of a[0]+4 " << "is " << *(a[0]+4) << endl;

the address of a[0+1]+1 is 0x7ffe5b8c1ef0

the value of a[0+1]+1 is 5

the address of a[0]+4 is 0x7ffe5b8c1ef0

the value of a[0]+4 is 5



// 由&a[0][0]推出其他, 這裡以第1行第1列(0 base)為例

cout << "the address of a[0][0]+4 " << "is " << &a[0][0]+4 << endl;

cout << "the value of a[0][0]+1 " << "is " << *(&a[0][0]+4) << endl;

the address of a[0][0]+4 is 0x7ffe5b8c1ef0

the value of a[0][0]+1 is 5


現在是讓人有點迷惑的地方,就是陣列名a既然和\(a[0], a[0][0]\)指向的位址一樣,那麼是否用法也一樣呢?


// 假設要求a[1][1](5)

cout << "a[1][1] inferred from a : " << *(*(a+1)+1) << endl;

a[1][1] inferred from a : 5
a+1指向的是\(a[1]\),這裡是第1行(0 base)的首位址,對它解引用得到a[1]的位址,然後+1就得到\(a[1][1]\)的位址了。


int *p = a; // 不通過

int *p = *a;

cout << "the value of p is: " << p << endl;

cout << "the value of *p is: " << *p << endl;

cout << "the value of p+1 is: " << p+1 << endl;

cout << "the value of *(p+1) is: " << *(p+1) << endl;

cout << "a[1][1] inferred from p : " << *(p+1*3+1) << endl;

the value of p is: 0x7ffe5b8c1ee0

the value of *p is: 1

the value of p+1 is: 0x7ffe5b8c1ee4

the value of *(p+1) is: 2

a[1][1] inferred from p : 5



cout << "a[1][1] inferred from p : " << p[1*3+1] << endl;
a[1][1] inferred from p : 5



1 include2 define debug 0 3int main 4,i,j 6 if debug 7 a 8 a 0 9 a 1 10 a 2 11 a 3 12 endif 13 printf a p a 1 p n n a,a 1 相差16位元組 1415 printf a 0 p a ...

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