05 python 練習題 平方數

2022-09-19 05:57:08 字數 883 閱讀 3325




# -*- coding:utf -*-

import math

for i in range(10000):


x = int(math.sqrt(i+50))

y = int (math.sqrt(i+234))

# print x,"-->",y

if (x*x == i+50) and (y*y == i+234):

print "the real result is ",i

拓展:  可以自由選擇乙個數加上別的其他了兩個數,然後構成平方數

# -*- coding:utf -*-

import math

def mysuqre(a,b):

for i in range(10000):


x = int(math.sqrt(i+a))

y = int (math.sqrt(i+b))

# print x,"-->",y

if (x*x == i+a) and (y*y == i+b):

print "the real result is ",i

def mysqure():





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