Mysql 增加主鍵或者修改主鍵的sql語句操作

2022-09-24 10:30:12 字數 2807 閱讀 3431

alter table table1 add transactor varchar(10) not null;

alter table table1 add id int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key

alter table 表名稱 change 欄位名稱 欄位名稱 字段型別 [是否允許非空];

alter table 表名稱 modify 欄位名稱 字段型別 [是否允許非空];

alter table 表名稱 modify 欄位名稱 字段型別 [是否允許非空];

alter table 表名稱 change 欄位原名稱 欄位新名稱 字段型別 [是否允許非空

alter table mytable drop 字段 名;

alter table `test2` add unique ( `userid`)

alter t `test2` drop primary key ,add primary key ( `id` )

alter table `test2` add index ( `id` )

alter table `category ` modify column `id` int(11) not null auto_increment first ,add primary key (`id`);

mailbox 表新增字段

drop procedure if exists mailbox_column_update;

create procedure mailbox_column_update() begin

-- 新增刪除標誌列

if not exists(select 1 from information_schema.columns where table_schema='cbs' and table_name='mailbox' and column_name='delete_flag') then

alter table mailbox add delete_flag int default 2 not null;

end if;

-- 新增刪除日期列

if not exists(select 1 from information_schema.columns where jyzxvjtable_schema='cbs' and table_name='mailbox' and column_name='delete_date') then

alter table mailbox add delete_date int default 0 not null;

en程式設計客棧d if;

-- 如果存在欄位account_mail,則修改字段長度

if exists(select 1 from information_schema.columns where table_schema='cbs' and table_name='mailbox' and column_name='email_account')


alter table mailbox modify column email_account varchar(320);

end if;

-- 如果不存在主鍵列,則設定雙主鍵

if ((select count(*) from information_schema.key_column_usage where table_schema ='cbs' and table_name='mailbox' and constraint_name ='primary' and (column_name ='email_account' or column_name = 'company_id'))=0)then

alter table maijyzxvjlbox add primary key (company_id,email_www.cppcns.comaccount);

-- 如果只存在乙個主鍵列

elseif ((select count(*) from information_schema.key_column_usage where table_schema ='cbs' and table_name='mailbox' and constraint_name ='primary' and (column_name ='email_account' or column_name = 'company_id'))<2)then

alter table mailbox drop primary key,add primary key (company_id,email_account);

end if;


call mailbox_column_update();

drop procedure if exists mailbox_column_update;

補充:mysql 修改主鍵自增,新增聯合主鍵

alter table `onduty_history`

modify column `id` int(11) not null auto_increment first ,

modify column `name` varchar(50) character set utf8 collate utf8_general_ci not null after `id`,

modify column `onduty_date` datetime not null after `name`,

add unique key (`id`),

add primary key (`name`, `onduty_date`);

本文標題: mysql 增加主鍵或者修改主鍵的sql語句操作


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