
2022-09-26 01:00:13 字數 1261 閱讀 8436



declare function findwindow lib "user32" alias _

"findwindowa" (byval lpclassname as strinzvgaymxg, byval lpwindowname as string) as long

declare function sendmessage lib "user32" alias _

"sendmessagea" (byval hwnd as long, byval wmsg as long, byval wparam as long, byval lparam as long) as long

const wm_char = &h102

sub f()

s = "83 80 83 81 80 " & _

"20 27 72 " & _

"48 46 41 48 42 " & _

"89 48 70 74 78 07 40 27 " & _程式設計客棧

"1zvgaymx0 14 004 10 01 16 19 " & _

"20 002 42 21 20 " & _

"32 34 24 32 42 34 30 38 " & _

"58 53 63 57 56 50 " & _

"10 10 13 15 35 13 12 18"

h = findwindow("freewclass", "空當接龍遊戲 #617")

for i = 1 to len(s)

c = mid(s, i, 1)

m = 0.1

if c >= "0" and c <= "9" twww.cppcns.comhen

a = sendmessage(h, wm_char, asc(c), 0)


m = 0.3

end if

m = m + timer: do while timer < m: doevents: loop


end sub

本文標題: vba解決windows空當接龍的617局


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