C 字串與unicode互相轉換實戰案例

2022-09-26 18:51:17 字數 1361 閱讀 7450



/// 字串轉unicode


/// 源字串

/// unicode編碼後的字串

public static string string2unicode(string source)

", bytes[i + 1], bytes[i]);

}return stringbuilder.tostring();

} ///

/// 字串轉為unicode碼字串




public static string stringtounicode(string s)

", buffer[1], buffer[0]));

}return sb.tostring();

} ///

/// unicode字串轉為正常字串




public static string unicodetostring(string srctext)

return dst;

}補充:c# unicode string 轉換 codepoint

c# 的string和stringbuilder都支援使用codepoint直接構造字串。unicode的字串形式一般都是'\u1234'這種轉義模式。 其中『1234'就是unicode codepoint的16進製制形式。



/// get the unicode code point


private static int getunicodecodepoint(char c1, char c2, char c3, char c4)


/// single unicode char convert to int


private static int unicodechartoint(char c)

throw new exception(string.format("unicode char '' error", c));


stringbuilder sb = new stringbuilder();

sb.append((char) getunicodecodepoint(c1, c2, c3, c4));

本文標題: c# 字串與unicode互相轉換實戰案例


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