
2022-09-28 05:06:08 字數 557 閱讀 8465


複製** **如下:


filedelete ("tq.txt")


$oie = _iecreate ($url, 0, 0)

$shtml = _iebodyreadhtml ($oie)

$array= stringregexp($shtml, "ymucc4>(程式設計客棧.*?)(?i)strong>",1)

for $i = 0 to ubound($array) - 1

$tqtemp = $array[$i]


$tqtoday = stringreplace($tqtemp, " ", " ")

msgbox (32,"天氣",$tqtoday)

_iequit ($oi程式設計客棧e)


本文標題: au3擷取騰訊天氣的指令碼

本文位址: /jiaoben/autoit/44156.html


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