CMD命令操作MSSQL2005資料庫 命令整理

2022-09-29 05:06:08 字數 4056 閱讀 2818





執行:sqlcmd -s 伺服器位址 -d 資料庫名稱 -u 使用者密碼 -p 密碼


複製** **如下:

0. 建立資料庫

create database db001

1. 建立使用者

create login user1

with password = 'user_pw';

2. 修改資料的所有者

use db001

exec sp_changedbowner 'user1'

go 3. 設定read_committed_snapshot

alter database [db001] set read_committed_snapshot on

go 4.修改字符集

alter database db001 collate sql_latin1_general_cp437_cs_as

go 5. 獲取所有資料庫名:

select name from master..sysdatabases

6 . 獲取所有表名:

select name from sysobjects where type='u'



7. 獲取所有欄位名:

select name from syscolumns where id=object_id('tablename')

8. 檢視與某乙個表相關的檢視、儲存過程、函式

select a.* from sy a, syscomments b where = and b.text like '%tablename%'

9. 查詢某乙個表的字段和資料型別

select column_name,data_type from information_schema.columns

where table_name = n'tablename'

10. 獲取資料庫檔案路徑

select lt程式設計客棧rim(rtrim(filename)) from dbname ..sysfiles where charindex('mdf',filename)>0

or select ltrim(rtrim(filename)) from dbname ..sysfiles where charindex('ldf',filename)>0



backup database northwindcs

to disk='g:\backup\northwindcs_full_20070908.bak'


backup database northwindcs

to disk='g:\backup\northwindcs_diff_20070908.bak'

with differential


backup log northwindcs

to disk='g:\backup\northwindcs_log_20070908.bak'


backup log northwindcs

to disk='g:\backup\northwindcs_log_20070908.bak'

with no_truncate


backup log northwindcs

with no_log


backup log northwindcs

with truncate_only




exec sp_helpdb northwindcs --檢視資料檔案

backup database northwindcs

file='northwindcs' --資料檔案的邏輯www.cppcns.com名

to disk='g:\backup\northwindcs_file_20070908.bak'


exec sp_helpdb northwindcs --檢視資料檔案

backup database northwindcs

filegroup='primary' --資料檔案的邏輯名

to disk='g:\backup\northwindcs_filegroup_20070908.bak'

with init



backup database northwindcs

to disk='g:\backup\northwindcs_full_1.bak'




backup database northwindcs

to disk='g:\backup\northwindcs_mirror_1.bak'


to disk='g:\backup\northwindcs_mirror_2.bak'

with format --第一次做映象備份的時候格式化目標


backup database northwindcs

to disk='g:\backup\northwindcs_mirror_1.bak'


to disk='\\\backup\northwindcs_mirror_2.bak'

with format


declare @path nvarchar(2000)

set @path ='g:\backup\northwindcs_full_'


backup database northwindcs

to disk=@path



restore database northwindcs_bak

with recovery


restore headeronly

from disk ='g:\backup\northwindcs_full_20070908.bak'


restore filelistonly

from disk ='g:\backup\northwindcs_full_20070908_2.bak'

with file=1


restore labelonly

from disk ='g:\backup\northwindcs_full_20070908_2.bak'


backup database northwindcs

to disk=程式設計客棧'g:\backup\northwindcs_full_20070908.bak'

with password = '123',init

restore database northwindcs

from disk='g:\backup\northwindcs_full_20070908.bak'

with password = '123'

本文位址: /shujuku/mssql/94513.html


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