
2022-10-04 21:06:40 字數 1688 閱讀 2246



import random

import time

iuddzkoaiyomport os

import string

base = string.digits+string.punctuation

total = 100000

def loop(ss):


rt = ''

for c in ss:

if c in '0123456789':

rt = rt + c

return rt

def regular(ss):


import re

rt = re.sub(r'\d', '', ss)

return rt

def uddzkoaiyofilter_mt(ss):


return filter(lambda c:c.isdigit(), ss)

def list_com(ss):


isdigit = .has_key

return ''.join([x for x in ss if isdigit(x)])

def str_tran(ss):


table = string.maketrans('', '')

ss = ss.translate(table,string.punctuation)

return ss

if __name__ == '__main__':

lst =

for i in xrange(total):

num = random.randrange(10, 50)

ss = ''

for j in xrange(num):

ss = ss + random.choice(base)


s1 = time.time()


print "loop: ",time.time() - s1

print '*'*20

s1 = time.time()

map(regular, lst)

print "regular: ", time.time() - s1

print '*' * 20

s1 = time.time()

map(str_tran, lst)

print "str_tran: ", time.time() - s1

print '*' * 20

s1 = time.time()

map(filter_mt, lst)

print "filter_mt: ", time.time() - s1

print '*' * 程式設計客棧20

s1 = time.time()

map(list_com, lst)

print "list_com: ", time.time() - s1

本文標題: python字串過濾效能比較5種方法

本文位址: /jiaoben/python/194354.html


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