perl資料庫新增 刪除 更新 查詢操作例子

2022-10-05 00:06:27 字數 2065 閱讀 5035



use strict;

use warnings;

use dbi;

my $db_name="geneva_admin";

my $db_passwd="geneva_admin";

my $dbh=dbi->connect("dbi:oracle:","$db_name","$db_passwd")

or die "can't connect to oracle database:$dbi::errstr\n";

my $sth=$dbh->prepare("select a,b

from a_tmp

where a=2")

or die "can't prqrrcdibqepare sql prepare:$dbi::errstr\n";

$sth->execute or die "can't execute:$dbi::errstr\n";

while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array())


my $row=3;

my $sql="selewww.cppcns.comct a,b

from a_tmp

where a = ?";

$sth=$dbh->prepare($sql) or die "can't prepare sql prepare:$dbi::errstr\n";

$sth->execute($row) or die "can't execute:$dbi::errs程式設計客棧tr\n";

while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array())


my $row_a=3;

my $row_c=0;

$sql="select a,b

from a_tmp

where a = ?

and c = ?";

$sth=$dbh->prepare($sql) or die "can't prepare sql prepare:$dbi::errstr\n";

$sth->execute($row_a,$row_c) or die "can't execute:$dbi::errstr\n";

while (my @row = $sth->fetchrow_array())


for $row(1,2,3)


#for $row(1,2,3)



#$sql="insert into a_tmp

# values (100,30,2)";

#$sth=$dbh->prepare($sql) or die "can't prepare sql prepare:$dbi::errstr\n";

#$sth->execute or die "can't execute:$dbi::errstr\n";



for $row(1,2,3)



for $row(1,2,3)



$dbh->do("insert into a_tmp values (1,1,1)") or die "$dbi::errstr\n";

$程式設計客棧dbh->do("delete from a_tmp where c=51") or die "$dbi::errstr\n";




本文標題: perl資料庫新增、刪除、更新、查詢操作例子


資料庫新增資料 刪除 查詢

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oracle 資料庫更新 新增 修改 刪除

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資料庫學習總結(三) 新增 更新與刪除資料

insert語句中指定欄位名 insert into 表名 欄位名1,欄位名2,values 值1,值2,注意 欄位名與字段值的順序,型別必須互相匹配 當為指定字段新增資料時,沒有列出欄位名的值預設為表定義時的預設值 insert語句不指定欄位名,新增值的順序必須和字段在表中定義順序一致 為指定字段...