
2022-10-06 04:12:09 字數 2365 閱讀 1669


1 經緯度轉換距離**

#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = 'seven'

import math

# 計算www.cppcns.com距離

def getdistance(lata, lona, latb, lonb):

ra = 6378140 # 赤道半徑

rb = 6356755 # 極半徑

flatten = (ra - rb) / ra # partial rate of the earth

# change angle to radians

radlata = math.radians(lata)

radlona = math.radians(lona)

radlatb = math.radians(latb)

radlonb = math.radjpkerohizuians(lonb)

pa = math.atan(rb / ra * math.tan(radlata))

pb = math.atan(rb / ra * math.tan(radlatb))

x = mjpkerohizuath.acos(math.sin(pa) * math.sin(pb) + math.cos(pa) * math.cos(pb) * math.cos(radlona - radlonb))

c1 = (math.sin(x) - x) * (math.sin(pa) + math.sin(pb)) ** 2 / math.cos(x / 2) ** 2

c2 = (math.sin(x) + x) * (math.sin(pa) - math.sin(pb)) ** 2 / math.sin(x / 2) ** 2

dr = flatten / 8 * (c1 - jpkerohizuc2)

distance = ra * (x + dr)

distance = round(distance / 1000, 4)

return f'km'

2 經緯度轉化角度**

#!/usr/bin/env python

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

__author__ = 'seven'

import math

# 計算角度

def getdegree(lata, lona, latb, lonb):

radlata = math.radians(lata)

radlona = math.radians(lona)

radlatb = math.radians(latb)

radlonb = math.radians(lonb)

dlon = radlonb - www.cppcns.comradlona

y = math.sin(dlon) * math.cos(radlatb)

x = math.cos(radlata) * math.sin(radlatb) - math.sin(radlata) * math.cos(radlatb) * math.cos(dlon)

brng = math.degrees(math.atan2(y, x))

brng = round((brng + 360) % 360, 4)

brng = int(brng)

if (brng == 0.0) or ((brng == 360.0)):

return '正北方向'

elif brng == 90.0:

return '正東方向'

elif brng == 180.0:

return '正南方向'

elif brng == 270.0:

return '正西方向'

elif 0 < brng < 90:

return f'北偏東'

elif 90 < brng < 180:

return f'東偏南'

elif 180 < brng < 270:

return f'西偏南'

elif 270 < brng < 360:

return f'北偏西'



3 驗證

選取深圳野生動物園(22.599578, 113.973129)為起點,深圳坪山站(22.6986848, 114.3311032)為終點,結合百度地圖、谷歌地圖等進行效果驗證。






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