
2021-03-31 15:12:42 字數 794 閱讀 3954

aix 3 /etc/security/passwd !

or /tcb/auth/files/

of username>/

a/ux 3.0s /tcb/files/auth/?/*

bsd4.3-reno /etc/master.passwd *

convexos 10 /etc/shadpw *

convexos 11 /etc/shadow *

dg/ux /etc/tcb/aa/user/ *

ep/ix /etc/shadow x

hp-ux /.secure/etc/passwd *

irix 5 /etc/shadow x

linux 1.1 /etc/shadow *

osf/1 /etc/passwd[.dir .pag] *

sco unix #.2.x /tcb/auth/files/

of username>/

sunos4.1+c2 /etc/security/passwd.adjunct ##username

sunos 5.0 /etc/shadow

system v release 4.0 /etc/shadow x

system v release 4.2 /etc/security/* database

ultrix 4 /etc/auth[.dir .pag] *

unicos /etc/udb *

windows2000 c:/winnt/system32/config/sam


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