c 學習讀書筆記《1》

2021-04-07 06:24:34 字數 4111 閱讀 8456

1.設定環境變數: path =c:/windows/microsoft.net/framework/v2.0.50727

2.helloworld.cs 第乙個程式

cmd-->  csc helloworld.cs   -->helloworld.exe

namespace 可以巢狀

被引用時用  using a;   但是當引用多個命名空間時,類不能有歧義。可以完全限定。


用dumpbin.exe實用程式檢視(^^據說業界都用這個看二進位制**的內部)(在c:/program files/microsoft visual studio 8/vc/bin下)

cmd-->dumpbin  /headers /clrheader helloworld.exe


dumpbin : warning lnk4044: unrecognized option "clrheader"; ignored

dump of file helloworld.exe

pe signature found

file type: executable image

file header values

14c machine (i386)

3 number of sections

44708882 time date stamp sun may 21 23:34:26 2006

0 file pointer to symbol table

0 number of symbols

e0 size of optional header

10e characteristics


line numbers stripped

symbols stripped

32 bit word machine

optional header values

10b magic #    //表明確實是乙個合法的pe

8.00 linker version

400 size of code

600 size of initialized data

0 size of uninitialized data

234e rva of entry point

2000 base of code

4000 base of data

400000 image base

2000 section alignment

200 file alignment

4.00 operating system version

0.00 image version

4.00 subsystem version

0 win32 version

8000 size of image

200 size of headers

0 checksum

3 subsystem (windows cui)

400 dll characteristics

reserved - unknown

100000 size of stack reserve

1000 size of stack commit

100000 size of heap reserve

1000 size of heap commit

0 loader flags

10 number of directories

0 [       0] rva [size] of export directory

2300 [      4b] rva [size] of import directory

4000 [     2b0] rva [size] of resource directory

0 [       0] rva [size] of exception directory

0 [       0] rva [size] of certificates directory

6000 [       c] rva [size] of base relocation directory

0 [       0] rva [size] of debug directory

0 [       0] rva [size] of architecture directory

0 [       0] rva [size] of special directory

0 [       0] rva [size] of thread storage directory

0 [       0] rva [size] of load configuration directory

0 [       0] rva [size] of bound import directory

2000 [       8] rva [size] of import address table directory

0 [       0] rva [size] of delay import directory

2008 [      48] rva [size] of reserved directory

0 [       0] rva [size] of reserved directory

section header #1

.text name

354 virtual size

2000 virtual address

400 size of raw data

200 file pointer to raw data

0 file pointer to relocation table

0 file pointer to line numbers

0 number of relocations

0 number of line numbers

60000020 flags


execute read

section header #2

.rsrc name

2b0 virtual size

4000 virtual address

400 size of raw data

600 file pointer to raw data

0 file pointer to relocation table

0 file pointer to line numbers

0 number of relocations

0 number of line numbers

40000040 flags

initialized data

read only

section header #3

.reloc name

c virtual size

6000 virtual address

200 size of raw data

a00 file pointer to raw data

0 file pointer to relocation table

0 file pointer to line numbers

0 number of relocations

0 number of line numbers

42000040 flags

initialized data


read only


2000 .reloc

2000 .rsrc

2000 .text


為了研究c#和.net元素如何實現,用framework sdk中的反彙編工具,ilda**.

(ilda**.exe: c:/program files/microsoft visual studio 8/sdk/v2.0/bin)


C 讀書筆記 1

1 include 1 以 標誌開始的語句是預處理器的指示語句,不是可執行的語句,只是起到提醒編輯器下面要即將進行編譯 2 iostream是輸入 輸出流標準標頭檔案,相當於c語言中的stdio.h 2 using namespace std 1 此行代表的是標準命名庫空間,在此處宣告,便可以在下面...


欠擬合 模型不能在訓練集上獲得足夠低的誤差 過擬合 訓練誤差和測試誤差之間的差距太大。通過調整模型的容量,可以控制模型是否偏向過擬合或者欠擬合。從預先知道的真實分布p x,y 而出現的誤差被稱為貝葉斯誤差。任何模型容量小於最優容量的固定引數模型會漸進到大於貝葉斯誤差的誤差值。在所有可能的資料生成分布...

讀書筆記 1

從我第一次看到windows就對它那花花綠綠的外表所吸引,大學兩年過來,時間又讓我從另乙個角度重新認識的了這些美麗的。本學期開始圖形程式設計的學習,探索windows圖形系統,並對gdi api,directdraw api進行學習。之所以寫部落格,第 一 是想勉勵自己不斷學習,讓大家監督 第 二 ...