
2021-04-07 09:37:17 字數 2212 閱讀 5009



const matrixtextstreamlength% = 15 'rem 0chr$(27)

for count = 1 to textstreamcount

displaytextstream matrixtextstream(count)

if updatetextstream(matrixtextstream(count)) then

generatetextstream matrixtextstream(count)

end if



endsub changetext (textstream as matrixtextstreamtype)

dim count as integer

dim temptext as string

randomize timer

for count = 1 to matrixtextstreamlength - 1

temptext = temptext + chr$(rnd * 222 + 33)


textstream.text = " " + temptext

end sub

sub displaytextstream (textstream as matrixtextstreamtype)

dim count as integer

dim charx as integer, chary as single

for count = 1 to matrixtextstreamlength

charx = textstream.x

chary = textstream.y + count

if chary < screentextheight + 1 and chary > 1 then

if charx <= screentextwidth and charx > 0 then

locate int(chary), charx

color (matrixtextstreamlength - count + 1)

print mid$(textstream.text, count, 1);

end if

end if


end sub

sub generatematrixpalette

dim count as integer

dim red as integer, green as integer, blue as integer

for count = 1 to matrixtextstreamlength

red = 0

green = 63 - (count - 1) * (64 / matrixtextstreamlength)

blue = 43 - (count - 1) * (44 / matrixtextstreamlength)

palette count, red + green * 256 + blue * 65536


end sub

sub generatetextstream (textstream as matrixtextstreamtype)

randomize timer

textstream.x = int(rnd * screentextwidth) + 1

textstream.y = -rnd * matrixtextstreamlength

textstream.speed = rnd + lowestspeed

changetext textstream

end sub

function updatetextstream% (textstream as matrixtextstreamtype)

textstream.y = textstream.y + textstream.speed

changetext textstream

if textstream.y > screentextheight + 1 then

updatetextstream = true

exit function

end if

updatetextstream = false

end function


寫了個winform滾動字幕的 可以由下往上滾,由左往右滾,由右往左滾 其中可以慢慢的滾,類似led滾動螢幕 寫了一個類以便呼叫 graphics ghf null public lablemgr label lb,string rolltext,graphics gh,string rolltyp...


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