sql server 帶列名匯出至excel

2021-04-12 20:20:40 字數 3419 閱讀 1229







--鄒建 2003.10--*/


p_exporttb @sqlstr='select * from 地區資料'



if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where id = object_id(n'[dbo].[p_exporttb]') and objectproperty(id, n'isprocedure') = 1)

drop procedure [dbo].[p_exporttb]

gocreate proc p_exporttb

@sqlstr sysname, --查詢語句,如果查詢語句中使用了order by ,**上top 100 percent

@path nvarchar(1000), --檔案存放目錄

@fname nvarchar(250), --檔名

@sheetname varchar(250)='' --要建立的工作表名,預設為檔名

as declare @err int,@src nvarchar(255),@desc nvarchar(255),@out int

declare @obj int,@constr nvarchar(1000),@sql varchar(8000),@fdlist varchar(8000)


if isnull(@fname,'')='' set @fname='temp.xls'

if isnull(@sheetname,'')='' set @sheetname=replace(@fname,'.','#')


if right(@path,1)<>'/' set @path=@path+'/'

create table #tb(a bit,b bit,c bit)

set @sql=@path+@fname

insert into #tb exec master..xp_fileexist @sql


set @sql=@path+@fname

if exists(select 1 from #tb where a=1)

set @constr='driver=;dsn='''';readonly=false'



set @constr='provider=microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;extended properties="excel 5.0;hdr=yes'



exec @err=sp_oacreate 'adodb.connection',@obj out

if @err<>0 goto lberr

exec @err=sp_oamethod @obj,'open',null,@constr

if @err<>0 goto lberr


declare @tbname sysname

set @tbname='##tmp_'+convert(varchar(38),newid())

set @sql='select * into ['+@tbname+'] from('+@sqlstr+') a'


select @sql='',@fdlist=''

select @fdlist=@fdlist+','+a.name

,@sql=@sql+',['+a.name+'] '

+case when b.name in('char','nchar','varchar','nvarchar') then

'text('+cast(case when a.length>255 then 255 else a.length end as varchar)+')'

when b.name in('tynyint','int','bigint','tinyint') then 'int'

when b.name in('**alldatetime','datetime') then 'datetime'

when b.name in('money','**allmoney') then 'money'

else b.name end

from tempdb..syscolumns a left join tempdb..systypes b on a.xtype=b.xusertype

where b.name not in('image','text','uniqueidentifier','sql_variant','ntext','varbinary','binary','timestamp')

and a.id=(select id from tempdb..sysobjects where name=@tbname)

select @sql='create table ['+@sheetname



exec @err=sp_oamethod @obj,'execute',@out out,@sql

if @err<>0 goto lberr

exec @err=sp_oadestroy @obj


set @sql='openrowset(''microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0'',''excel 5.0;hdr=yes


exec('insert into '+@sql+'('+@fdlist+') select '+@fdlist+' from ['+@tbname+']')

set @sql='drop table ['+@tbname+']'




exec sp_oageterrorinfo 0,@src out,@desc out


select cast(@err as varbinary(4)) as 錯誤號

,@src as 錯誤源,@desc as 錯誤描述

select @sql,@constr,@fdlist


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開啟sqlserver新建查詢 use 庫名 select 表名 case when a.colorder 1then d.name else end 表說明 case when a.colorder 1then isnull f.value,else end 字段序號 a.colorder,欄位名...

SQL Server列名顯示無效

在sqlserver中,當設計 修改 表結構之後,再用sql語句時,列名會顯示無效,但執行可以通過 原因是sql server的intellisense 智慧型感知功能 需要重新整理一下,用快捷鍵ctrl shift r即可 關於intellisense 智慧型感知功能 的主要功能,就是在使用者具有...