用金山詞霸的dll檔案實現螢幕取詞 vb

2021-04-13 07:51:11 字數 820 閱讀 6767





option explicit

implements ixdictgrabsink

private gp as grabproxy

private sub form_load()

set gp = new grabproxy

with gp

.grabenabled = true

.grabinterval = 30

.grabmode = xdictgrabmouse

.advisegrab me

end with

end sub

private function ixdictgrabsink_queryword(byval wordstring as string, byval lcursorx as long, byval lcursory as long, byval sentencestring as string, lloc as long, lstart as long) as long

label1.caption = "(" & lcursorx & "," & lcursory & ")"

label2.caption = "當前語句:" & sentencestring

label3.caption = "當前字元:" & mid(sentencestring, lloc + 1, 1)

end function

c 實現金山詞霸一樣的螢幕取詞

c 螢幕取詞 想做金山詞霸一樣的螢幕取詞 告訴你兩個方法 第一 在金山詞霸中2005中帶了乙個xdictgrb.dll,新增引用 然後下面是 using system using system.collections.generic using system.componentmodel using...

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