VB附加SQL 資料庫

2021-04-16 11:04:35 字數 1481 閱讀 6452



public m as string, l as string, strdata as string

private sub command1_click()

dim cn as new adodb.connection

on error goto dataerr

cn.open "provider=sqloledb.1;persist security info=false;data source=zhan;user id=sa;password=zhan;initial catalog=master"

1  cn.execute ("sp_attach_db @dbname ='" & strdata & "', @filename1 = n" & "'" & m & "', @filename2 = n" & "'" & l & "'")

msgbox "附加成功!", , "vb附加資料庫"

exit sub


msgbox err.description, , "vb附加資料庫"

end sub

private sub command2_click()

with commondialog1

.initdir = "e:/asp光碟修改檔案/mr/fl"


if .filename <> "" then

text1 = .filename

m = .filename

l = mid(.filename, 1, len(.filename) - 8) & "log.ldf"

strdata = mid(.filetitle, 1, len(.filetitle) - 9)

if list1.listcount > 0 then


list1.additem .filetitle & "      " & m

list1.additem strdata & "_log.ldf" & "      " & l


list1.additem .filetitle & "      " & m

list1.additem strdata & "_log.ldf" & "      " & l

end if


msgbox "請選擇資料檔案!", , "vb附加資料庫"

end if

end with

end sub

private sub list1_click()

label4 = list1.text

end sub

附加資料庫 sql

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