c 的MD5加密類

2021-04-22 09:39:59 字數 529 閱讀 7959



//public string md5(string str)

// return the hexadecimal string.

return sbuilder.tostring();

}// verify a hash against a string.

static bool verifymd5hash(string input, string hash)


} static void main()




// this code example produces the following output:

//// the md5 hash of hello world! is: ed076287532e86365e841e92bfc50d8c.

// verifying the hash...

// the hashes are the same.

c 的MD5加密類

body body,p,font,div,li body,td,th i pre a using system.security.cryptography md5加密函式 public string md5 string str return the hexadecimal string.retur...

c 編寫的MD5加密類

using system.security.cryptography md5加密函式 public string md5 string str return the hexadecimal string.return sbuilder.tostring verify a hash against a...

c 編寫的MD5加密類

using system.security.cryptography md5加密函式 public string md5 string str return the hexadecimal string.return sbuilder.tostring verify a hash against a...