
2021-04-01 10:58:49 字數 2812 閱讀 4740


using system;

using system.***ponentmodel;

using system.runtime.interopservices;

using system.drawing.printing ;

namespace frontinte***ce.printing

*/public enum pageorientation

public enum *****size

public enum pageduplex

public enum *****source

public enum dmfields

#region "資料結構定義"

public struct printerdata


public struct printer_defaults

/*[structlayout(layoutkind.sequential, charset=charset.auto)]

public struct printer_defaults


struct printer_info_2


public struct devmode


public class printersettings



marshal.structuretoptr( dm,ydevmodedata,true);

pinfo.pdevmode = ydevmodedata;

pinfo.psecuritydescriptor = intptr.zero;

/*update driver dependent part of the devmode

1 = documentproperties(intptr.zero, hprinter, sprintername, ydevmodedata

, ref pinfo.pdevmode, (dm_in_buffer | dm_out_buffer));*/


lasterror = marshal.getlastwin32error();

nret = convert.toint16(setprinter(hprinter, 2, ptrprinterinfo, 0));

if (nret == 0)

if (hprinter != intptr.zero)


return convert.toboolean(nret);}}

private devmode getprintersettings(string printername)

getprinter(hprinter, 2, intptr.zero, 0, out nbytesneeded);

if (nbytesneeded <= 0)


;ptrprinterinfo = marshal.allochglobal(nbytesneeded);

// the second getprinter fills in all the current settings, so all you // need to do is modify what you're interested in...

nret = convert.toint32(getprinter(hprinter, 2, ptrprinterinfo, nbytesneeded, out njunk));

if (nret == 0)

pinfo = (printer_info_2)marshal.ptrtostructure(ptrprinterinfo, typeof(printer_info_2));

intptr temp = new intptr();

if (pinfo.pdevmode == intptr.zero)

pinfo.pdevmode = ptrdm;

}interror = documentproperties(intptr.zero, hprinter, printername, intptr.zero , ref temp , 0);

//intptr ydevmodedata = marshal.alloccotaskmem(i1);

ydevmodedata= marshal.allochglobal(interror);

interror = documentproperties(intptr.zero, hprinter, printername, ydevmodedata , ref temp , 2);

dm = (devmode)marshal.ptrtostructure(ydevmodedata, typeof(devmode));

//nret = documentproperties(intptr.zero, hprinter, sprintername, ydevmodedata

// , ref ydevmodedata, (dm_in_buffer | dm_out_buffer));

if ((nret == 0) || (hprinter == intptr.zero))

return dm;


} }

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