Git Heroku 基本命令總結

2021-05-26 06:41:47 字數 1515 閱讀 3659

1, git

(1)git 安裝(一般安裝了ror,這git早就安裝好了);


quick guide 1:creating and commiting

$ cd (project-directory)

$ git init

$ (add some files)

$ git add .

$ git commit -m 'initial commit'

git 與 heroku 結合:


quick guide 2:cloning and creating a patch

$ git clone git:

$ cd hello-world

$ (edit files)

$ git add (files)

$ git commit -m 'explain what i changed'

$ git format-patch origin/master

2. heroku

安裝heroku gem : $gem install heroku



$git init

initialized empty git repository in .git/

$git add .

$44 files changed, 8393 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

(2) set up your ssh keys, 參考1中的

建立完ssh keys後,將其新增到heroku:

heroku keys:add$

heroku create

enter your heroku credentials.

email: [email protected]


uploading ssh public key /users/joe/.ssh/

created | [email protected]:high-sunrise-58.git

git remote heroku added$

git push heroku master

(5) bootstrap your database


heroku rake db:migrate

next steps

1. develop and test changes locally.

2. commit code to git :$ git commit -a ("-a" represents committing all changed files).

3. push your changes to heroku with :$git push heroku

4. don't forget to migrate database when db change.

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