wireless tools編譯出錯

2021-05-26 07:49:19 字數 1551 閱讀 6728


[root@lqm wireless_tools.29]# make

/opt/freescale/usr/local/arm-eabi-4.4.0/bin/arm-eabi-gcc -os -w -wall -wstrict-prototypes -wmissing-prototypes -wshadow -wpointer-arith -wcast-qual -winline -i. -mmd     -fpic -c -o iwlib.so iwlib.c

in file included from iwlib.c:14:

iwlib.h:20:23: error: sys/types.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:21:23: error: sys/ioctl.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:22:19: error: stdio.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:23:18: error: math.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:24:19: error: errno.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:25:19: error: fcntl.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:26:19: error: ctype.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:27:20: error: stdlib.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:28:20: error: string.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:29:20: error: unistd.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:30:54: error: netdb.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:31:50: error: net/ethernet.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:32:44: error: sys/time.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:43:48: error: net/if_arp.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:44:61: error: sys/socket.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:45:61: error: netinet/in.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:46:30: error: netinet/if_ether.h: no such file or directory

iwlib.h:54:53: error: linux/types.h: no such file 


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