sqlserver 2005 交叉表和層次關係查詢

2021-05-04 01:26:19 字數 2357 閱讀 8291



create table sales(

id int,

area nvarchar(20),

product_id nvarchar(4))go

insert into sales

select 1,'aa','a001'

union all

select 2,'bb','b001'

union all

select 3,'cc','c001'

union all

select 4,'cc','c002'

goselect * from sales



1 aa a001

2 bb b001

3 cc c001

4 cc c002


declare @s varchar(8000)

declare @sql varchar(8000)

set @s=''

set @sql=''

select @s = isnull(@s + ',','')+ ltrim(area)

from (select distinct area from sales) a

set @s = right(@s,len(@s)-1)

--print @s

set @sql = 'select id,'+@s+'




( count (product_id)

for area in ('+@s+' )

)as unpvt'

--print @sql



id  aa  bb  cc


1 1 0 0

2 0 1 0

3 0 0 1

4 0 0 1


select id,aa,bb,cc




( count (product_id)

for area in (aa,bb,cc)

)as unpvt


create table employeetbl(

id int identity,

name varchar(20),

pid int)go

insert into employeetbl


select 'root',0

union all

select 'root001',1

union all

select 'root002',1

goinsert into employeetbl


select 'root001_a',2

union all

select 'root001_b',2

goselect * from employeetbl


id name         pid

1 root             0

2 root001       1

3 root002       1

4 root001_a   2

5 root001_b   2


with c as (

select * from employeetbl where id = 2

union all

select a.* from employeetbl a

join c on a.id = c.pid

)select * from c order by id asc

結果:1 root        0

2 root001  1


with c as (

select * from employeetbl where name = 'root001'

union all

select a.* from employeetbl a

join c on a.id = c.pid

)select * from c

結果:2 root001 1

4 root001_a 2

5 root001_b 2

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