Hadoop學習總結之二 HDFS讀寫過程解析

2021-05-23 13:26:33 字數 2054 閱讀 6337

hdfs開啟乙個檔案,需要在客戶端呼叫distributedfilesystem.open(path f, int buffersize),其實現為:

public fsdatainputstream open(path f, int buffersize) throws ioexception while (curpos < endoff

&& curblk < blocks.length

&& results.size() < nrblockstoreturn);


return inode.createlocatedblocks(results);


檔案讀取的時候,客戶端利用檔案開啟的時候得到的fsdatainputstream.read(long position, byte buffer, int offset, int length)函式進行檔案讀操作。

fsdatainputstream會呼叫其封裝的dfsinputstream的read(long position, byte buffer, int offset, int length)函式,實現如下:

public int read(long position, byte buffer, int offset, int length)

throws ioexception finally catch (ioexception ie) catch (throwable t) finally finally catch(remoteexception re) catch (interruptedexception  e) catch (throwable e) while (retry && --count >= 0);

return nodes;

locatefollowingblock中通過rpc呼叫namenode.addblock(src, clientname)函式


public locatedblock addblock(string src,

string clientname) throws ioexception finally

if (mirrorout != null) catch (ioexception e) catch (ioexception e) {



int len = buf.getint();

offsetinblock += len;

int checksumlen = ((len + bytesperchecksum - 1)/bytesperchecksum)*


int checksumoff = buf.position();

int dataoff = checksumoff + checksumlen;

byte pktbuf = buf.array();

buf.position(buf.limit()); // move to the end of the data.


out.write(pktbuf, dataoff, len);

/// flush entire packet before sending ack


// put in queue for pending acks

if (responder != null) {



return payloadlen;

Hadoop學習總結之二 HDFS讀寫過程解析

hdfs開啟乙個檔案,需要在客戶端呼叫distributedfilesystem.open path f,int buffersize 其實現為 public fsdatainputstream open path f,int buffersize throws ioexception while ...


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