mysql sql語法問題(2)

2021-05-23 17:33:24 字數 755 閱讀 1507

select * from users where userid not in ( select userid from users order by userid limit 0,2)


error 1235 (42000): this version of mysql doesn't yet support 'limit & in/all/an

y/some subquery'

意思是:這版本的 mysql 不支援使用 limit 子句的 in/all/any/some 子查詢,即是支援非 in/all/any/some 子查詢的 limit 子查詢


select * from users where userid not in(select t.userid from(select * from users order by userid limit 0,2)as t);

在mysql中已驗證如下語句可執行: * from users order by userid limit 0,5

2. select * from user where userid ( not ) between 1 and 3

3. select * from users where username not in (select username from users where username='admin');

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