
2021-05-25 06:05:51 字數 576 閱讀 2725

create user donghx

identified by donghx

default tablespace cmgis

temporary tablespace temp

profile default;

grant connect to donghx;

grant select on cmgis.g_cmptr_dist_sum to donghx;

grant select on cmgis.g_grid_demog_sum to donghx;

grant select on cmgis.g_grid_mjr_cmptr_sum to donghx;

grant select on cmgis.g_poi_dist_sum to donghx;

grant select on cmgis.g_site_dist_sum to donghx;

grant select on cmgis.g_prvnc_demog_sum to donghx;

grant select on cmgis.g_site_trd_ar_sum to donghx;

Oracle 建立使用者,並賦於唯讀某幾張表的許可權

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oracle 11g開始支援設定某張表為唯讀,這樣可以防範對某些表的修改,起到一定的安全性。設定如下 設定表為唯讀許可權 加鎖 alter table tab name read only 設定表的讀寫許可權 解鎖 alter table tab name read write 當表需要進行更新 增...