
2021-06-02 13:30:28 字數 1736 閱讀 1425


create table goods(goodsid char(8) primary key,            --主鍵

goodsname varchar2(20),

unitprice number(10,2) check (unitprice >0),        --檢查

category varchar2(10),

vendor  varchar2(20));

create table customer( customerid char(8) primary key,

name varchar2(30) not null,

address varchar2(30),

email varchar2(30) unique,

*** char(2) default '男' check (*** in ('男', '女')),

cardid char(10));

create table purchase( customerid char(8) references customer(customerid),   --列級定義不用foreign key

goodsid char(8) references goods(goodsid),

nums number(10)  check ( nums between 1 and 30));

alter table goods modify goodsname not null; 

alter table customer add constraint cardunique unique(cardid);

alter table customer add constraint addresscheck check(address in('和平', '西青', '南開');

alter table customer drop constraint cardunique;

alter table customer drop primary key [cascade];   --若存在主外來鍵關係,需要cascade

select constraint_name, constraint_type, status, validated from user_constraints where  table_name='customer';


select column_name, position from user_cons_columns where constraint_name='addresscheck';  --檢視約束列名


create table department(deptid number(2) constraint pk_department primary key,

name varchar2(12)

loc varchar2(12));

表級定義--在定義了所有列後,再定義約束,注意not null約束只能在列級上定義

create table employ(employid number(4),

name varchar2(20),

deptid number(2),

constraint pk_emplyee primary key (employid),

constraint fk_dept foreign key (deptid)  references departmt(deptid));


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