SVN 命令提交錯誤

2021-06-04 04:48:53 字數 719 閱讀 1821

svn commit

svn: commit failed (details follow):

svn: could not use external editor to fetch log message; consider setting the $svn_editor environment variable or using the --message (-m) or --file (-f) options

svn: none of the environment variables svn_editor, visual or editor are set, and no 'editor-cmd' run-time configuration option was found

svn: 提交失敗(細節如下):

svn: 無法使用外部編輯器獲得日誌資訊;考慮設定環境變數 $svn_editor,或者使用 --message (-m) 或 --file (-f) 選項

svn: 沒有設定 svn_editor,visual 或 editor 環境變數,執行時的配置引數中也沒有 「editor-cmd」 選項


1 在提交命令中加入-m引數,用man指令查詢具體方法

2 設定svn_editor環境變數:


ex: export  svn_editor=vi


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svn commit failed details follow svn could not use external editor to fetch log message consider setting the svn editor environment variable or using ...


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