
2021-06-05 06:22:10 字數 3977 閱讀 4910

在網上查了多少回,有的說是實時曲線,但是沒有乙個是真正的實時曲線,今天我決定寫乙個真的實時曲線 ,你可以稍加修改就可利用。

1、新增乙個自定義控制項,新增兩個picturebox控制項,picshow .visible設定成true,另乙個設定成不可見。首先在picshow中進行繪圖,繪圖超過x軸範圍時,轉成pichide中再繪圖並等到繪圖完畢,再顯示出來。這樣看起來就是連續的。

寫 下**

public class ucrealcurs

dim maxplotno as long '最長的x軸範圍

dim sdataponit() as pointf '顯示影象

dim hdataponit(20) as pointf

dim did as long '序號

dim ymin as single = 99999.9, ymax as single = -99999.9

dim scalefactorx, scalefactory as single

dim pscalex, pscaley as single

dim wid as integer '影象的寬度

dim hgt as integer '影象的高度

dim bm as image

dim gr as graphics


private function plotdata(byval pointarray() as pointf) as boolean

dim redpen as new pen(color.red), mpen as new pen(color.blue), lpointarray(), lbasearray(1) as pointf

dim bm2 as new bitmap(wid, hgt) '建立背景繪圖區

dim gr2 as graphics = graphics.fromimage(bm2) '建立繪圖的畫布

dim pen as pen = new pen(color.green)

pen.dashstyle = drawing2d.dashstyle.dot

for i as integer = 0 to hgt step 20

gr2.drawline(pen, 0, i, wid, i)


for i as integer = 0 to wid step 20

gr2.drawline(pen, i, 0, i, hgt)


redim lpointarray(pointarray.getupperbound(0)) '重訂區域陣列變數範圍


'lblstartx.text = did - maxplotno + pointarray(pointarray.getlowerbound(0)).x.tostring("0.00")


'lblendx.text = did - maxplotno + pointarray(pointarray.getupperbound(0)).x.tostring("0.00")


for i as integer = pointarray.getlowerbound(0) to pointarray.getupperbound(0)

if pointarray(i).y > ymax then ymax = pointarray(i).y

if pointarray(i).y < ymin then ymin = pointarray(i).y


'lblstarty.text = ymin.tostring("0") '最小y值

'lblendy.text = ymax.tostring("0") '最大y值


for i as integer = pointarray.getlowerbound(0) to pointarray.getupperbound(0)

lpointarray(i).x = pointarray(i).x * pscalex


lpointarray(i).y = pointarray(i).y * pscaley


gr2.drawlines(redpen, lpointarray) '繪圖

pichide.image = bm2 '將背景繪圖資料放到框中

pichide.refresh() '重新顯示

gr2.dispose() '清除畫布

redpen.dispose() '清除資源

end function

sub plot(byval startx as single)

scalefactorx = maxplotno

scalefactory = 300 ' ymax - ymin

pscalex = picshow.width / scalefactorx 'x軸的比例係數

pscaley = (picshow.height * 0.97) / scalefactory 'y軸的比例係數

redim preserve sdataponit(did)

sdataponit(did).x = did * pscalex

sdataponit(did).y = startx * pscaley

if did < maxplotno then

if did > 1 then

gr.drawline(pens.red, sdataponit(did - 1), sdataponit(did))

end if


picshow.image = bm



picshow.visible = false

pichide.visible = true

for i as integer = 0 to maxplotno

hdataponit(i).x = i ' + did - 20

hdataponit(i).y = sdataponit(i + did - 20).y



end if

did = did + 1

' gr.dispose()

end sub

private sub ucrealcurs_load(byval sender as object, byval e as system.eventargs) handles me.load

wid = picshow.clientsize.width

hgt = picshow.clientsize.height

bm = new bitmap(wid, hgt) '建立背景繪圖區

gr = graphics.fromimage(bm) '建立繪圖的畫布

maxplotno = 20

dim pen as pen = new pen(color.green)

pen.dashstyle = drawing2d.dashstyle.dot

for i as integer = 0 to hgt step 20

gr.drawline(pen, 0, i, wid, i)


for i as integer = 0 to wid step 20

gr.drawline(pen, i, 0, i, hgt)


end sub

end class


C 繪製實時曲線

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