oracle 一些高階用法

2021-06-08 14:05:15 字數 729 閱讀 7246



select *   from(select a.prod_id, a.prod_name

fromtb_prod_mas a

order bydbms_random.value())

where rownum<= 5


select   x.*

from (selectrow_number() over(order by prod_id) rn, a.prod_id,a.prod_name

fromtb_prod_mas a) x

where mod(rn, 2)= 1;




select a.unit_seq,a.prod_id,a.prod_name,

a.prc,max(a.prc) over(),min(a.prc) over()

fromtb_prod_unit a


select pgm_id, to_char(a.etr_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd')etr_date, sum(a.ord_amt) ord_amt

from tb_pgm_orda

group by pgm_id,to_char(a.etr_date, 'yyyy-mm-dd')

order by 2, 3

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