
2021-06-10 19:28:58 字數 638 閱讀 2259



-- 所選全部課程名稱及其成績。

use stu_cou

go create procedure no_grade

as select student.sno,course.cno,sname,cname,grade

from student,sc,course

--where grade is null and student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno

where student.sno in

(select sno

from sc

where grade is null

)and course.cno in

(select cno

from sc

where sc.sno=student.sno

)and student.sno=sc.sno and course.cno=sc.cno

乙個資料庫解鎖的儲存過程sp who lock

將所有死鎖的 死鎖的 id找出來,然後再kill。set quoted identifier off goset ansi nulls off gocreate procedure sp who lock asbegin declare spid int,bl int,inttransactionc...


有乙個表user book記錄了一名使用者擁有的書籍的資訊,表的資料如下 key userid bookid 1 1 2 2 1 3 3 1 4 4 2 1 5 2 3 這表明這名使用者1擁有2,3,4三本書,使用者2擁有1,3兩本書,以此類推。現在要用1個sql語句得到下面問題的結果 給出任意個b...


error c2679 binary no operator defined which takes a right hand operand of type class smanip int or there is no acceptable conversion 除錯了好久,就是找不出問題在哪。...