
2021-06-11 10:52:34 字數 964 閱讀 5708

// converts a globalid field to a guid field.

public static void convertglobalidtoguid(iworkspace workspace, string


.", datasetname));

} string globalidfieldname = clas***.globalidfieldname;

// convert the globalid column to a guid column.

iclassschemaeditex classschemaeditex = (iclassschemaeditex)table;



2 一下**實現將普通的字段轉變成globalid

/ converts a guid field to a globalid field.

public static void convertguidtoglobalid(iworkspace workspace, string

datasetname, string guidfieldname)

is not a guid field.",


} // convert the guid column to a globalid column.

iclassschemaeditex classschemaeditex = (iclassschemaeditex)table;



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