HEVC學習(十四) SAO函式解析之二

2021-06-11 19:12:18 字數 3325 閱讀 6339

/** rate distortion optimization of all sao units

* \param saoparam sao parameters

* \param lambda

* \param lambdachroma

*/#if sao_encoding_choice

void tencsampleadaptiveoffset::rdosaounitall(saoparam *saoparam, double lambda, double lambdachroma, int depth)


void tencsampleadaptiveoffset::rdosaounitall(saoparam *saoparam, double lambda, double lambdachroma)


if( depth > 0 && m_depthsaorate[1][depth-1] > sao_encoding_rate_chroma )


int numnosao = 0;

if( depth > 0 && m_depth0saorate > sao_encoding_rate )



//!< 以lcu為單位對影象中的每個lcu進行遍歷

for (idxy = 0; idxy< frameheightincu; idxy++)


if (idxy!=0) //!< 非第1行


compdistortion[0] = 0; //!< y distortion

compdistortion[1] = 0; //!< cb distortion

compdistortion[2] = 0; //!< cr distortion


if (allowmergeleft)

if (allowmergeup)

m_pcrdgoonsbaccoder->store( m_pppcrdsbaccoder[0][ci_temp_best] );

// reset stats y, cb, cr

for ( compidx=0;compidx<3;compidx++)

}//!< y分量最佳濾波模式的選擇

saocomponentparamdist(allowmergeleft, allowmergeup, saoparam, addr, addrup, addrleft, 0, lambda, &mergesaoparam[0][0], &compdistortion[0]);

//!< cbcr分量最佳濾波模式的選擇

sao2chromaparamdist(allowmergeleft, allowmergeup, saoparam, addr, addrup, addrleft, lambdachroma, &mergesaoparam[1][0], &mergesaoparam[2][0], &compdistortion[0]);

if( saoparam->bsaoflag[0] || saoparam->bsaoflag[1] )

if (allowmergeup)

for ( compidx=0;compidx<3;compidx++)

}rate = m_pcentropycoder->getnumberofwrittenbits();

bestcost = compdistortion[0] + (double)rate;


// cost of merge

for(int mergeup=0; mergeup<2; ++mergeup)

if ( allowmergeup && (mergeup==1) )

rate = m_pcentropycoder->getnumberofwrittenbits();

mergecost = compdistortion[mergeup+1] + (double)rate;

if (mergecost < bestcost)}}


#if sao_encoding_choice

#if sao_encoding_choice_chroma

if( saoparam->saolcuparam[0][addr].typeidx == -1) //!< y分量不存在sao引數

if( saoparam->saolcuparam[1][addr].typeidx == -1) //!< cbcr分量不存在sao引數


for ( compidx=0;compidx<3;compidx++)





} //!< if( saoparam->bsaoflag[0] || saoparam->bsaoflag[1] )

} //!< for (idxx = 0; idxx< framewidthincu; idxx++)

} //!< for (idxy = 0; idxy< frameheightincu; idxy++)

#if sao_encoding_choice

#if sao_encoding_choice_chroma

#if sao_encoding_choice_chroma_bf

if( !saoparam->bsaoflag[0])


if( !saoparam->bsaoflag[1])



m_depthsaorate[0][depth] = numnosao[0]/((double) frameheightincu*framewidthincu);

m_depthsaorate[1][depth] = numnosao[1]/((double) frameheightincu*framewidthincu*2);



if( depth == 0)




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