Hive RCFile合併作業產生重複資料問題

2021-06-14 22:28:32 字數 3043 閱讀 5272

前幾天有dw使用者反饋,在往一張表(rcfile表)中用「insert overwrite table partition(xx) select ...」 插入資料的時候,會產生重複檔案。看了下這個作業log,發現map task 000005起了兩個task attempt ,第二個attempt是推測執行,並且這兩個attemp都在task close函式裡面重新命名temp檔案成正式檔案,而不是通過mapreduce框架的兩階段提交協議(two phrase commit protocol)在收到tasktracker發過來的committaskaction時再commit task來保證只有乙個attemp的結果成為正式結果。

task log中的輸出如下:


renamed path hdfs: to hdfs: . file size is 666922


renamed path hdfs: to hdfs: . file size is 666922

public void close() throws ioexception 


outwriter = null;

if (!exception)

} else



if (rj != null)


jobid = rj.getid().tostring();

}} catch (exception e)



public static void jobclose(string outputpath, boolean success, jobconf job,

loghelper console, dynamicpartitionctx dynpartctx) throws hiveexception, ioexception



public static void mvfiletofinalpath(string specpath, configuration hconf,

boolean success, log log, dynamicpartitionctx dpctx, filesinkdesc conf) throws ioexception,


// step3: move to the file destination"moving tmp dir: " + intermediatepath + " to: " + finalpath);

utilities.renameormovefiles(fs, intermediatepath, finalpath);

}} else

fs.delete(tasktmppath, true);


removetemporduplicatefiles(filesystem fs, path path, dynamicpartitionctx dpctx),動態分割槽和非動態分割槽表不同處理邏輯


* remove all temporary files and duplicate (double-committed) files from a given directory.

** @return a list of path names corresponding to should-be-created empty buckets.

*/public static arraylistremovetemporduplicatefiles(filesystem fs, path path,

dynamicpartitionctx dpctx) throws ioexception

arraylistresult = new arraylist();

if (dpctx != null)

}taskidtofile = removetemporduplicatefiles(items, fs);

// if the table is bucketed and enforce bucketing, we should check and generate all buckets

if (dpctx.getnumbuckets() > 0 && taskidtofile != null) }}

}} else

return result;


removetemporduplicatefiles(filestatus items, filesystem fs),對於每個目錄下相同taskid不同attemptid的檔案進行去重

public static hashmapremovetemporduplicatefiles(filestatus items,

filesystem fs) throws ioexception

hashmaptaskidtofile = new hashmap();

for (filestatus one : items)

} else else else

long len1 = todelete.getlen();

long len2 = taskidtofile.get(taskid).getlen();

if (!fs.delete(todelete.getpath(), true)) else }}

}return taskidtofile;


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